

Catalyst Facilitation Kit


Everything you need to facilitate your own training sessions and group learning events using the Catalyst™ platform. The Kit is modular designed, giving you content focused on each of the six business applications included in the best-selling book, Solving the People Problem (decision making, communication, conflict, teamwork, sales and customer service, and leadership), along with the foundational content that covers the basics of Everything DiSC Workplace®, Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™, and Everything DiSC® Management.

BONUS: The Facilitation Kit includes an assessment administration account where you can launch and manage all your assessments using the proprietary EPIC system (retail value: $216).

The Facilitation Kit Includes:
  • Customizable PowerPoint slides
  • Detailed scripts
  • Activity instructions and handouts
  • Library of professionally produced videos

Module Descriptions and Estimated Times:

Modules can be conducted virtually or in-person

Solving the People Problem, powered by Catalyst

  • Orientation to Catalyst (90 minutes)
  • Communicating with others (90 minutes)
  • Engaging in productive conflict (90 minutes)
  • Working together as a team (90 minutes)
  • Sales and customer service (90 minutes)
  • Leadership (90 minutes)
  • Decision making (90 minutes)

Everything DiSC Workplace 

  • Your DiSC® Style (60-65 minutes)
  • Your Colleagues (60-65 minutes)
  • What Drives You (70-75 minutes)
  • You and Other Styles (60-75 minutes)
  • Build Better Relationships (55-60 minutes)
Everything DiSC Agile EQ
  • Your EQ Strengths (40-45 minutes)
  • Beyond Your Personal EQ Comfort Zone (95-100 minutes)
  • Develop Your EQ (60 minutes)
Everything DiSC Management
  • Your Management Style (60 minutes)
  • People Reading (30 minutes)
  • Direct & Delegate (60 minutes)
  • Motivation (60 minutes)
  • Develop Talent (60 minutes)
  • Manage Up (60 minutes)

Bring the power of Solving the People Problem and Catalyst to your own organization or clients

If you are interested in bringing the power of Solving the People Problem and Everything DiSC Catalyst into your business, this Facilitator Kit is an invaluable resource. It is a useful training session planner that provides you with the tools and resources to understand and explain the power of the Everything DiSC model. You will also be able to support participants in applying this model to their work with others and improving both their communication and the results they can achieve.

This kit for training session planning is designed to enable you to support people as they learn about both the model and themselves. The kit includes everything you need in order to create your own workshops to help people apply the lessons of the Catalyst platform. With the embedded script and videos, this is a wonderful tool to help trainers and coaches get up to speed quickly. It also allows the opportunity to provide consistency among a team of trainers within an organization. This training session planner is a must-have for organizations that are employing Solving the People Problem and/or Everything DiSC Catalyst to create greater results.

Contact us today to learn more about our business applications for team development.

Everything DiSC is a registered trademark of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.